Specialized Courses

See the list of specialized courses offered by the Agricultural and Consumer Economics department for OFOR students. Aside from these courses, our students are encouraged to take courses in other departments at UIUC.

ACE 427: Commodity Price Analysis

A comprehensive and in-depth survey of commodity price analysis with emphasis on the fundamental factors affecting prices of agricultural products; sources of information relating to production and demand factors; government activities as they relate to prices of agricultural products; technical analysis of agricultural product prices; and market efficiency and forecasting.

ACE 428: Commodity Futures and Options

Development of futures trading; operation and governance of commodity exchanges; economic functions of futures trading; operational procedures and problems in using futures markets; public regulation of futures trading; evaluation of market performance. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.

ACE 520: Applied Time Series Econometrics

This graduate course teaches estimation, testing, and forecasting of time series models. The course encompasses univariate and multivariate time series models and includes ARMA, GARCH, Unit Roots, VAR, Impulse-Response Function, Cointegration, and Error Correction Modeling. Emphasis is placed on economic applications.

The field of time series econometrics has exploded in the last decades, and there is not enough time in a quarter course to broadly cover all important contributions. Consequently, we will often discuss and present results without formal proof.

ACE 527: Advanced Price Analysis

Study of methods used to analyze factors affecting agricultural prices; analysis of agricultural prices and price movements with respect to time, space, and form; and examination of methods of price forecasting and techniques of time series analysis.

ACE 528: Research in Futures Markets

Research literature on commodity futures and options markets, both theoretical and empirical; topics include: supply of storage, basis models, theory of the firm and hedging under uncertainty, optimal hedging, speculative returns, market performance, pricing efficiency, option pricing, and market microstructure.